Four Best Feng Shui Bed Positions

Bad Sleep = Bad Health = Bad Wealth.

Not to alarm you, but without enough sleep, our health suffers which in turn affects our ability to work then our ability to create abundance.

When helping my real estate clients find homes to rent or buy, I always keep these principles in mind so that we know before you sign on the dotted line if your bed will be able to be in the best position possible!

To make sure that health and wealth are always your besties, use these 4 rules to determine if your current bed setup follows the Feng Shui placement guidelines:

1- Be sure that your bed is in COMMAND position. What that means is that you want to be able to view the door of your bedroom when you are in your bed. When you are in command, you feel more secure and your chi or energy is able to relax and recharge.

2- Avoid being in direct line with the door to avoid strong negative energy coming in directly toward you since that could adversely affect your health.
3- Use a solid headboard (no holes in the design please!) if you can’t have a solid wall behind you. You’ll also have the added benefit of having a strong, solid relationship since solid, well affixed headboards symbolize strong relationships!
4- Stay as far from the bathroom or kitchen as possible. Avoid sharing the wall that has plumbing or gas lines as that can cause health issues.
Use these basic rules for bed placement for your current and future homes for optimal sleep and health!
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