5 Tips On Creating a Feng Shui Sleep Sanctuary

Sleep is a vital ingredient to a healthy body, mind and spirit. To help you make sure you are getting enough sleep, here are 5 Feng Shui tips on how to create a Feng Shui Sleep Sanctuary:

1. Bed Position

Position yourself in the command position so you can see the door of the room. That helps you feel safe and calm. If you can’t, try to position a mirror so you can see the door from that angle.

2. Visual

Place something you love in front view of your bed, whether it artwork or a collection of objects. It’s the last thing you see when you go to bed and the first thing you see when you wake up so make sure it’s beautiful and inspiring. Black out shades or eye mask – calms the nerves to be in complete yin energy.

3. Scent

Use a calming or grounding scent like lavender or sandalwood. Use a diffuser or a mix with water to spritz onto your bedding.

4. Electronics

Please, no TV in the bedroom and no electronics for at least an hour before bedtime – this includes no reading or watching of the news as it could be upsetting for your chi/energy. The only exception is sound therapy. Download an app such as Insight Timer for a guided sleep meditation or go onto YouTube for music for deep sleep. I’ve seen up to 6 hours worth of music! Just be sure if you are playing it from your phone that it’s not too close to your head.

5. Tactile

Put a soft rug next to your bed so it helps you feel nurtured and comforted when you get in and out!
Start using these 5 tips tonight and let me know how it works for you. Sending you all love and comfort.
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